The Serpent Power: Preface

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The Serpent Power: Contents | The Serpent Power: Note to Second Edition

In my work "Shakti and Shakta" I outlined for the first time the principles of "Kundalini-Yoga" so much discussed in some quarters, but of which so little was known.

This work is a description and explanation in fuller detail of the Serpent Power (Kundalini Shakti), and the Yoga effected through it, a subject occupying a pre-eminent place in the Tantra Shastra. It consists of a translation of two Sanskrit works published some years ago in the second volume of my series of Tantrik Texts, but hitherto untranslated. The first, entitled "Shatchakranirupana" ("Description of and Investigation into the Six Bodily Centres"), has as its author the celebrated Tantrik Purnanda Svami, a short note on whose life is given later. It forms the sixth chapter of his extensive and among others Shangkara and Vishvanatha cited in Volume II of the Tantrik Texts, and used in the making of the present translation. The commentary here translated from the Sanskrit is by Kalicharana.

The second text, called "Paduka-Panchaka" ("Fivefold Footstool of the Guru"), deals with one of the Lotuses described in the larger work. To it is appended a translation from the Sanskrit of a commentary by Kalicharana. To the translation of both works I have added some further explanatory notes of my own. As the works translated are of a highly recondite character, and by themselves unintelligible to the English reader, I have prefaced the translation by a general Introduction in which I have endeavoured to give (within the limits both of a work of this kind and my knowledge) a description and explanation of this form of Yoga. I have also included some plates of the Centres, which have been drawn and painted according to the description of them as given in the first of these Sanskrit Texts.